Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (2024)

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Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer IsGone

Yet another surprise from the home shopping realm: Longtime ShopHQ host Kendy Kloepfer has left the building.

This week the blonde posted on Facebook that she was exiting — a very abrupt move as far as we were concerned.

“Today was my last day at ShopHQ,” she wrote. “I have absolutely loved being your host for the past 29 years at ShopHQ and am beyond honored so many of you have shopped with me for so long. You are the best customers and friends in the world, and I am looking forward to many exciting adventures together with you in the future!!!”

We don’t pretend to have an inside scoop on what happened. But from what we’ve seen in the past, this kind of sudden departure isn’t usually voluntary. But we could be wrong. Maybe she got a new gig.

But the major home shopping networks are facing hard times financially, and that often leads to letting go longtime employees who at the top of the pay scale. It happened to us.

We liked her as a host. She was very genial and we often watched her host jewelry shows.

Kloepfer also posted a note and a bunch of photos on Instagram that had what could be considered a hint in it.

“Now I’m only looking forward to many more years in the biz,” she wrote.

Stay tuned.

Tags: Kendy Kloepfer, Kendy leaving ShopHQ, ShopHQ

This entry was posted on May 17, 2024 at 3:33 am and is filed under Uncategorized.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

32 Responses to “Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer IsGone”

  1. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (1)wileyanddemi Says:
    May 17, 2024 at 3:41 am | Reply

    Good riddance! 🤮

  2. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (2)Ella Says:
    May 17, 2024 at 5:30 am | Reply

    I have a feeling she was let go. The only sudden voluntarily exit I’ve seen of a home shopping host was that of Chris Scanlon, back in 2011. Kendy was probably issued her pink slip due to being a senior host with a bigger salary amidst network sales plummeting. Good luck, Kendy.

    We are trying to figure out what to do here; the crime level has gone way up. It’s everywhere…. and if it’s not as bad, the cost of living is much higher. The 3 of us are trying to come up with a solution; a place to move that isn’t $$$$$$ and has less crime.

    • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (3)Ella Says:
      May 17, 2024 at 5:40 am | Reply

      sudden voluntary exit, not voluntarily. Autocorrect, once again 🙄

  3. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (4)Stephanie Says:
    May 17, 2024 at 2:54 pm | Reply

    Kendy was let go. She said she was :shocked” among other things, and hinted she would be amenable to go to QVC or HSN. That isn’t going to happen, they are bringing in younger hosts who are not very good in my opinion. I will never buy anything from HQ again, haven’t in years. I do not like the way the new owners operate nor did I like the previous owners. We will see how long they last. Their free shipping is a joke, it is figured into their prices.

    • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (5)Deanna Says:
      May 18, 2024 at 1:12 am | Reply


      I figured as much. That happened way too suddenly to be a voluntary resignation. I agree about the newer hosts; most are not as good as many of the more experienced ones. There are a couple veteran hosts on HSN, however, that need to change or go, IMO. Some talk about themselves instead of giving merchandise information. And they cut off the venders/OAPs and talk right over them. Rude! And some of the newer ones are very annoying.

    • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (6)homeshoppingista Says:
      May 19, 2024 at 6:04 pm | Reply

      I missed that!

  4. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (7)Lynne Harlacher Says:
    May 17, 2024 at 4:49 pm | Reply

    to high priced. the only clothes I like are Christopher and Banks….

  5. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (8)Betty Says:
    May 18, 2024 at 7:12 pm | Reply

    Sad for Kendy. The new owner might be as bad the old owers/Invicta d bros who almost killed the network with their cheap dumb watch obsession. The free shipping is a cover for jacking up the prices and now they are doing away with the 6 easy pay. Some items are now 2 easy pay. I won’t be buying anything.

    • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (9)Kevin Says:
      May 21, 2024 at 12:56 am | Reply

      So it’s ok for the network to be 99% for the women viewers/buyers but God forbid those watch obsessed male viewers/buyers have that 1%. It’s bad enough being a guy and 99.99% of every store is dedicated to women. Even a store like Walmart only gives the guys like one little area for clothes while the women have like half the store.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (10)Jerri Says:
        May 21, 2024 at 2:16 am


        I am a woman, and I agree with you. In stores like Target and Walmart especially, they have a poor selection of men’s clothing. My husband has looked there many times for inexpensive things to wear to work, and there is little to nothing to choose from.

        As for home shopping, I have always thought they should include more men’s items. I guess they figure mostly women watch the shows. They should put men’s things up on weekends, when many men are home, and evenings sometimes. They aren’t very astute as to how to keep viewers in general, IMO.

        Just a female voice letting you know some of us hear you. Have a great week.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (11)Judy Says:
        May 21, 2024 at 3:45 am


        I totally agree with Jerri. Home shopping audiences are mostly women, but men do watch, and should have something to buy, too. The channels aren’t worth buying from anymore, but men should still have choices, too. And I think Target, etc, are doing a horrible job of offering goods to men.

        As for Kendy, she’s another victim of the channels going cheap. Hopefully she lands on her feet. I wish her luck.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (12)Betty Says:
        May 21, 2024 at 4:36 pm

        Nice way to take it out of context. Never said that. The same could be said about Invicta when they took over. There were so many watch shows on HQ it was jokingly known as the Watch Channel for a time. I guess you forgot that? They made the problems at HQ worse by only showing watches. Categories at HQ like Kitchen and home goods were totally wiped out for the sake of Invicta. Covid was the only thing that saved them ironically for a short time with their rebranding of products to Medic Therapeutics. They created an entirely new network call the Bulldog Channel for men’s product that went nowhere. So you go ahead and blame someone else/women for the horrible decisions Invicta bros made at HQ. They did exactly what you’re complaining the world is doing in regards to male shopping habits. Clearly guys weren’t interested.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (13)Judy Says:
        May 23, 2024 at 3:00 am


        I wasn’t taking anything out of context and am pretty sure Jerri wasn’t either. We could have worded our posts differently, but my main point, as it appears Jerri’s was, that men should be better represented in stores as well as a little on home shopping. HQ did nothing but watches…..and men just don’t want watches, ffs. Their other men directed items were poorly timed.

        In the mid 2000s, HSN introduced a new brand of resort wear, that had men’s as well as women’s items. Cotton shirts for men in nice prints, button down relaxed with short sleeves. Cargo shorts, Bermuda shorts, and I think some polo shirts. They were nice, and they sold out instantly. Callie Northagen was hosting the debut, and I think it was on and did well for awhile till Grossman came in as CEO.

        Also, Bill Green used to have men’s rings occasionally on his jewelry shows, and they sold out. Same with Jay King. So there is a market, albeit smaller, for men on home shopping. And stores like Target and Walmart really need to step up their men’s clothing departments.

        And finally, neither Jerri nor I mentioned anything about it being women’s fault. Most of the heads of these companies are men, and we know that. So should you. And don’t put words in people’s mouths.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (14)Betty Says:
        May 23, 2024 at 3:48 am

        Ladies, my reply was not for you. Sorry. It was for Kevin. I just hit reply and thought it would be directed to Kevin. Note to self. Next time put a name to the response. Sorry.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (15)Judy Says:
        May 23, 2024 at 5:00 am

        No problem and I apologize, too. Do you remember the HSN presentation I was talking about about? Darn it, can’t remember the name of the clothing company, but Callie was showing seams and finishing, and it was well made. And gone in a heartbeat…. the men’s was gone almost instantly. Why don’t they have stuff like that anymore?!?!?!? And if memory serves, it was very reasonably priced. Wish I could remember what it was called. 🤦
        Also, I remember there was a color choice in mustard/gold, and Callie saying that was her favorite color.

    • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (16)Jerri Says:
      May 23, 2024 at 12:24 pm | Reply


      Thank you so much for clearing that up. I’ve forgotten to address by name, too…and someone responds confused! I was wondering what I said that was upsetting. I do agree about HQ not handling the men’s items well at all.

      Anyway, I can’t remember the name of that clothing line, Judy, and I saw the premiere with Callie, too. 2005, I think. I went to order Mr one of the shirts and they were all gone. We were just getting settled in Palm Springs, and I had weekdays off. I never saw it again because we were getting ready to move into a house and were busy for awhile. I kind of forgot about it after that. But the clothes were nice (except unlike Callie, I didn’t like the mustard color) and well made. A far cry from now.

      i do remember Bill Green showing men’s jewelry, as well as Jay King. It sold out quickly in both cases. It’s a shame what has become of these shopping channels. I rarely watch any lately, even HSN.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (17)Judy Says:
        May 24, 2024 at 2:23 am


        So you saw it, too! For awhile I was wondering if I had actually seen it. I don’t care for mustard gold, either. Callie did a great job of hosting that day. I don’t remember the vendor/OAP but Callie was doing a good job of describing the clothes. I saw a couple presentations after that; and then it seemed like awhile later it was gone. That’s when HSN started to go cheap with materials and craftsmanship.

        Like you said, it has never been the same since. I rarely watch HQ, and I never watch QVC anymore. And my HSN viewing is much less than it ever was. I’m so disappointed the way home shopping has gone, but look at everything else. Many of these changes are definitely not for the better.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (18)Lainie Says:
        May 24, 2024 at 6:01 am

        @Jerri, @Judy, @Betty

        Betty, I reply to posts up thread and forget to put a name…. I’ve gotten better but heck, we’re all human.

        Jerri and Judy,

        I saw that presentation, too. The vendor was a guy, I’m pretty sure. And Callie did a great job with that show. And no, darn it, I can’t remember the clothing brand to save my life. I really liked that they had men’s as well as women’s items. The prints and solids all went well together. And they were well constructed. Can’t say the same for today’s garbage.

        Tom 😻 and I are watching TV in bed. It’s chilly still overnight so it’s nice to watch TV where it’s warm and comfy. Tomorrow my friend will be here, so it looks like a nice weekend. We’ve invited sis, her bf, and Mary over for BBQ Saturday evening. Should be fun. Have a great weekend, everyone!

  6. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (19)Cheryl Says:
    May 19, 2024 at 3:28 pm | Reply

    “Watch This With Kendy” is no more? I never watched, so maybe no one else did, either.

    I remember Kendy from QVC. I bought a blue topaz pendant on one of her last shows. She may fit in with their over-50 shows.

    • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (20)lharlacher1b7a2425bd Says:
      May 19, 2024 at 4:30 pm | Reply

      I don’t remember Kendy on QVC……

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (21)Cheryl Says:
        May 21, 2024 at 11:11 pm

        It was back before she got married, I think. She talked about picking out her wedding band. Early 1990s, I had just started watching QVC.

  7. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (22)kchomeworx Says:
    May 20, 2024 at 1:58 pm | Reply

    IIRC she left once before — some of the early ValueVision folks left to start their own shopping channel. It flopped and I think Kendy was the only one who came back/was allowed to come back.

  8. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (23)kchomeworx Says:
    May 20, 2024 at 1:58 pm | Reply

    IIRC she left once before — some of the early ValueVision folks left to start their own shopping channel. It flopped and I think Kendy was the only one who came back/was allowed to come back.

  9. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (24)Judy Says:
    May 25, 2024 at 7:47 am | Reply

    Have a nice Memorial Day weekend, and stay safe. Love and many thanks to those who lost their lives defending peace and freedom, and love to those they left behind. ♥️♥️
    This weekend crept up on me quickly and silently. I didn’t know it was Memorial Day weekend until a few minutes ago, when we got back from bf’s brother’s. I looked at the calendar to double check and appointment I have next week, and I saw the holiday.
    I hope you all have a great one.

  10. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (25)Jerri Says:
    May 25, 2024 at 2:07 pm | Reply

    Thank you, Judy, and I send the same sentiments out to everyone. And my love and gratitude to those who fought for a better world, and lost their lives doing it. And love and blessings to those who had to go on without them.

    I forgot it was Memorial Day, too. I usually get up early and open the house up to air it out because it’s too hot later. Something flashed on the TV screen about Memorial Day sales just a little while ago….the year has flown so far! Pretty soon I’ll feed 😻😻 and play with them then marinate some chickens to BBQ. The boys will be here tonight…and since it’s a holiday Monday, will probably leave from here Tuesday for work.

    Be safe everyone and enjoy the weekend and those dear to you.

  11. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (26)Deanna Says:
    May 27, 2024 at 12:42 pm | Reply

    Happy Memorial Day to everyone. Remembering our troops who lost their lives fighting for peace, and their loved ones left behind. Thank you for your service; you made the ultimate sacrifice. Love to you all.

    We ended our weekend yesterday to avoid traffic; we came home from the our daughter’s place where everyone went, and got in last night. It was a nice weekend and great to be with family. Our contribution was 2 big chicken pot pies…..many people were there.

    Anyway, my SIL mentioned a friend I haven’t heard from in awhile and I looked her up on Facebook. Her name is very similar to former HSN host Rachel Huber’s….. and I found Rachel. She is indeed in Nebraska, as someone said awhile back. I didn’t go into her account, but she is still very conservative and extremely religious, just from her profile. She has lost 100+ pounds doing Keto, and her hair has grown or she has extensions. Her face looks different, too. I think it is mainly from losing weight. Anyway, she says she is a wife, no job, so there’s that. I believe everyone has a right to their viewpoints/beliefs but it is wrong to push them on other people. And I’m leaving that right there.

    I never did find my friend; she must have closed her Facebook account. Anyway, I hope everyone is well and that you all had/are having a great weekend.

    • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (27)Ella Says:
      May 27, 2024 at 2:08 pm | Reply


      I wish you and everyone a nice weekend. I want to thank those who gave their lives for peace for their sacrifice. And the families they left behind, for theirs ♥️♥️.

      We had BIL over for the weekend. He brought the cats and we had a simple, nice weekend. He’s going home later today. I saw your post and looked on Facebook for Rachel. I don’t have an account so I just see profiles. Yes, there she is, in a suburb of Omaha. Her location is disclosed, so I think I can write that.

      A couple years or so ago, I saw her on YouTube, in a video by someone else. The person was wearing a Go Pro and you could see what he was seeing. He was at a pizza parlor in Omaha, and walked by a table where Rachel was sitting alone, eating. I think I may have posted here about it. We watch a guy who goes on dirt bike adventures and he’s Omaha based. He and his friends were having lunch, and in his video of one of them picking up their pizza, he walked by Rachel. Small world.

      I don’t agree with her views, and especially with the fact that she was/does push them on people; hopefully she’s calmed down. She must be near 60; good she lost weight. Hopefully she stopped drinking. As we age, taking care of our health is most important. Anyway, that was interesting, thanks for sharing.

      • Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (28)Judy Says:
        May 28, 2024 at 2:45 am

        Deanna, Ella,

        Taking a moment to thank the troops who gave their lives for peace and freedom, and blessings to their families left behind 💔♥️.

        I looked at Rachel’s profile, and she seems more tightly wound than she was before. She’s being a “tradwife” in the Midwest, and loving it, apparently. Hope the 100 pounds stays off for her health’s sake. As per Ella, she must be nearing 60, and it IS important to be vigilant with our health, especially in our later years. Anyway, another former host who flew the coop! I know she was fired, but she went a bit crazy there and now she’s many miles away…. in more than 1 sense. Therefore, she flew the coop.

        I hope everyone’s weekend was pleasant and peaceful. We had bf’s BIL over for the weekend, and had a nice time. He seems to be doing better and we are so grateful for that.

  12. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (29)Jerri Says:
    May 28, 2024 at 4:29 am | Reply

    I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Mr and the boys are out on the patio; it’s still 90° out after 9 PM! They have tall glasses of ice cold San Pellegrino to cool them off. I just came in to say hi to 😻😻 and see what’s up here.

    All I can say about Trad wives is keep them far, far away from me. Especially Rachel. Ugh. At least we know where she is so we can stay far away!

    I think we are going to have another hot dry summer. Last summer was a scorcher…even Tucson was hotter and didn’t get their usual monsoonal downpours. Anyway, stay cool and comfortable everyone.

  13. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (30)Deanna Says:
    May 28, 2024 at 5:51 am | Reply

    I had to look up trad wife. June Cleaver on steroids!!! Submissive to hubby, stay at home, housework and kids only. Everything must be ok’d by hubby. Some new trend….. I’m with you, Jerri. I want no part of it. Our generation fought for equal rights for women, POC, and ALL people. And working or not, we took care of our kids.This is a slap in the face. But….. if they want it, they can have it; it’s their right.

    Ella, I remembered your post about the guys on bikes after reading this recent one. You were right; you did see her. And of all places, in a video made by some guys riding around enjoying the scenery, and then getting some pizza! They always say, don’t be anywhere or don’t do anything you don’t want on camera, because they’re everywhere!

    BTW, Jerri, I’m in southern NM and we are expecting extra heat this summer, too. I think it’s going to be hotter almost everywhere in the US again this summer.

  14. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (31)Lainie Says:
    May 28, 2024 at 2:27 pm | Reply

    I hope you all had a nice weekend. And we took a moment to thank the troops who gave their lives so we could live ours. And to thank their families, who’ve had to go on without them. ♥️♥️♥️

    My friend left early to go to work straight from here. So I’m up and at it early! I see a nap in my near future. We had a nice weekend. Good food, good movies … nice.

    So Rachel is in Omaha area, and as spun, if not more, than before. Seeing her in a frilly dress as a trad wife is amusing. I’m with Jerri… keep her far away.

    HSN has been boring as heck and I’ve just channel surfed through it. Home shopping has gone the way of all things, for me. Lol, my short lived Giuliana TS dresses were turned into a quilt for Tom 😻 by Mary. I gave her a pasty and a pot pie I made, and I mentioned the dresses going in the rag bag. She made the cutest quilt for Tom! 😍🥰 I had some more fabric and I told her to make one for Missy 😻, too. It’s still a work in progress.

    Well, Tom wants breakfast and so do I. Stay cool and have a great day, guys!

  15. Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (32)Joyce Says:
    May 28, 2024 at 4:32 pm | Reply

    Just catching up on my home shopping news. So they let Kendy go. Senior hosts make more money, and SHQ doesn’t have it. I wish her good luck. It’s getting brutal out there. Reading other bloggers comments about Rachel Huber, thanks, I was wondering where she ended up. She was having some real problems before they moved away. Too bad, she used to be such a nice host. I guess many hosts have different personalities on air than off.

    My family just had a quiet Memorial day weekend. Really, just another long weekend. We try to stay off the roads on holidays and holiday weekends. Too much traffic, and drunk drivers.

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Veteran ShopHQ Host Kendy Kloepfer Is Gone (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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