Synopsis 神鎗手 (2009)

1. The Sniper (2009) directed by Dante Lam Chiu-Yin • Reviews, film + cast

  • Synopsis. A police sniper teams up with a hot-headed rookie to take down his former friend and teammate, who is exacting revenge on the police force.

  • A police sniper teams up with a hot-headed rookie to take down his former friend and teammate, who is exacting revenge on the police force.

2. The Sniper (2009) - The Movie Database

  • A police sniper teams up with a hot-headed rookie to take down his former friend and teammate, who is exacting revenge on the police force.

3. 神鎗手(香港電影) - Wikiwand

4. The Sniper (神鎗手) (2009) -

  • Played by wayward bad boy and amateur photographer Edison Chen, OJ is the cocky new recruit whose talent with a sniper rifle makes him both an asset and a pain ...

  • Long awaited and perhaps even dreaded, Dante Lam's The Sniper arrives in Hong Kong cinemas with the explosive force of a hollow point bullet splintering flimsy balsa wood. A routine actioner with a pared-down, unfinished storyline, Sniper comes with solid action sequences and a super-serious tone that borders on campy. At less than ninety minutes, the film moves by so quickly and forcefully that one need not linger on the macho stereotypes or hanging plot threads. Instead, one can admire the toned male bodies, badass character types and the abundance of polished gun metal. Tolerance for bombast is a must. Entertainment? That's possible too, with the right expectations.

5. 神枪手_百度百科

  • 吉姆·汉森(连姆·尼森饰)是一个与世无求的人物,在边界的农场中过着与世无争的生活。突然有一天,一对母子从边境线上穿越而来,走上了美国的国土。

  • 《神枪手》是由罗伯特·洛伦兹执导、连姆·尼森、Jacob Perez、胡安·巴勃罗·拉瓦主演的动作片,于2021年1月15日在美国上映。该片讲述了吉姆·汉森为了拯救名为米格尔的男孩与墨西哥黑帮对抗的故事。

6. 神鎗手(2009) - 演职人员

  • 方克明是警隊中最精銳的狙擊手,在機緣下巧遇一名軍裝警察O仔,並邀他加入狙擊手部隊。O仔入隊後誓要成為首席神槍手。然而,神槍手榜中竟然還有一個傳奇人物—— 凌靖, ...

  • 方克明是警隊中最精銳的狙擊手,在機緣下巧遇一名軍裝警察O仔,並邀他加入狙擊手部隊。O仔入隊後誓要成為首席神槍手。然而,神槍手榜中竟然還有一個傳奇人物 —— 凌靖,曾經壓倒方克明,高據榜首四年,但目前卻身陷牢獄中。 凌靖出獄後,即策動反擊,暗中協助悍匪,攻擊囚車並救出歹徒的首領,之後又與歹徒合作計畫一樁兩億元大劫案!但凌靖的真正目標卻是要挑戰方克明與其領導的狙擊手部隊,準備單槍匹馬把狙擊手全隊打敗。而年少氣盛的O仔則一心希望與高手過招,與凌靖一決高下。 香港警察特警隊部隊(SDU)的狙擊手以特別設計的狙擊步鎗作裝備,行動時,多藏身於隱蔽位置,負責遠距離射擊。一個稱職的狙擊手必須具備三個條件:除射擊術外,紀律及心思熟慮也是重要元素之一,另外另須具有偽裝技巧以及野外求生技能。

7. 神鎗手- 维基语录,自由的名人名言录

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  • 《神鎗手》是2009年的港產片,由任賢齊、黃曉明、陳冠希及林保怡主演。

8. The Sniper Blu-ray (2009) 神鎗手 (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

  • Synopsis: HARTMAN (RICHIE JEN) is renowned as the top shooter in the police force. But behind the legend lies a skeleton in the closet: his former teammate and ...

9. 神鎗手(香港電影) - Wikiwand

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  • 《神枪手》(英语:)是2009年上映的动作惊悚港产片,由林超贤执导,并由任贤齐、黄晓明及陈冠希领衔主演。此电影有吊威也、跳楼及枪战等惊险场景。剧情主要围绕着几位警界精英狙击手,因过去烙下的仇恨而反目、互斗,并主要探讨警察内心之“好胜”心魔。

10. The Sniper (2009) - Review - Far East Films

  • May 28, 2015 · Hartman (Richie Ren) heads up an elite team of snipers for the Hong Kong police. After beat cop OJ (Edison Chen) shows skill and accuracy in a hostage ...

  • If you like slick, glossy action flicks with lots of pretty boys posing, then ‘The Sniper’ is right up your street.

Synopsis 神鎗手 (2009)


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